g'day possums...
well its been a week but I thought I'd update you guys!
Last Monday was a long weekend in Australia and I celebrated it with getting shingles (4th time in 7 months, yeah me!) I am doing ok though, never fear!
But it was a public holiday so no mail man.. well so you would think!!! But the the 'beast' (eldest DS) come in and said 'mum there's a parcel for someone'.. so we had a squiz and sure enough, a brown paper baggie filled to the brim with parcels for ME!!!! My angel from the scquilters swap I am in, was in Newcastle for the weekend and snuck by my house and dropped off these lovelies.. am I spoiled or what?? She told me later she was here at 10am! I got out of bed about 10am! LOL (had been reading for HOURS, thats my story and I am sticking to it!) how lucky am I???
I also got in the mail last week my PIF gift from Vickie ... Its a Chantelaine (bad spelling here) and each pocket had a giftie in it, a needle threader, an unpicker, scissors and a gizmo that threads needles lickity split! It was wrapped in the blue fabric and gold braided cord (which will be recycled) so thank you Vickie! I also loved the fact you adressed the parcel to 'Lissa Poo' gave the parcel deliverer a chuckle! I love it, and have used it while I am sitting at the machine sewing, so thanks you so much Vickie!
The 'Biggie' of quilt shows was on last week in Australia, in Sydney. Now I did feel poorly on Thursday but thought, I'll be OK tomorrow, I'll catch the train, have a wee rest on the way down and on the way home and a wander around to have a lookie at the quilts.. was I ever wrong?? um YES!!! As soon as I got to the train station, I knew I should of come home.. but I pressed on... And then when I was on the train, I heard the dreaded words every train commuter hates.. 'Trackwork - Delays'.. ARGH!!!! my 2 hour trip, took 3 hours, two train trips and a bus ride in the middle.. I wandered around the quilt show, was a little disappointed with the stalls, a few I had thought would be there weren't this year (dunno why??) but I did manage to spend some $'s.. The trip home took 4 hours.. *sigh* I was absolutely stuffed when I got home :O(
Heres a pic of the 'stash'
Just some Civil War Repros I didn't have or have much left of, cheddar prints are very hard to find.. one was sold to me as a Civil War, but it isn't, but 'tis OK, I like the fabric so it still will have a home! I also got Anni Downs new book, its so cute, I think there is a dozen 2" stitcheries inside very very cute.. and very do-able..
So I was at the quilt show for only about 2.5 hours, managed to quickly see all the quilts seen all the stalls, the only thing I wanted to do was 'test drive' a few sewing machines, I am getting a new machine before the end of the year, and I want a machine with a deep throat and a stitch regulator, I am leaning towards the Bernina Aurora, but not sure, have plenty of time to make up my mind.. my Janome I own now is a piece of shit to be honest, I spend more time reloading the bobbin, it jumps out of the hook all the time, I have spent $500 at least on this )(#*$%(#*$& machine in the past 4 years getting it looked at, and the needle threader doodad dont work now.. last night I ended up crying at the thing cause I just wanted to sew some strips and I had to keep rethreading the bobbin and unsewing where it had jumped out... To say its frustrating is an understatement. I have to save up a little while to get the machine so I'll have to make do with the bulimic thing until then (it chews fabric up and then spits it out later, very very annoying).. I have bought a single hole plate for it and it has stopped the bulimia to some extent but still does it with triangles...
Had a job interview last week, well I THINK I had a job interview.. was with an agency, and they advertised 'positions vacant' was up my alley and with a government dept (so lots of $'s) and did well at the interview and then they said 'well there isn't any positions available at the moment, but we'll be sure to send your resume off when there is'.. I said 'what?? it said current positions, current contracts?' To say I was disappointed was an understatement..
'til next time
PS There is a giveaway here. It is for some lovely Long Arm quilting to be done on yoru quilt!!! So go and check out Canton Village Quilting!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Busy Week, doing, um Nothing???
Posted by
Lissa Jane
11:52 pm
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Sorry that the show was a dissapointment ...and why are you not looking after yourself better, or getting those kids to look after you ...shingles again!!!
look after yourself woman, pop your cardi on and stay warm LOL
Sure hope all those goodies (Pifs,your buys...) cheer you up!! Hope you feel better (4 in 7 months ...pheeww)..you better take care...and snuggle up under your flannelquilt...Ohh ...sorry ...you haven´t done one yet?? ;D
Nice surprises, Lissa! So your Angel was in Newcastle ... mmm...wonder who?
Sorry to hear you're dealing with shingles. That's no fun at all. I hope you get better quick!
Glad you liked you PIF Lissa, as for the your name on the package well that created quite a laugh at the Humpty Doo post office-then one of the girls quietly said too me is that name for real,and I went nope can't rememba the last name but Lissa will answer to being the wife of Dags.so I gues Poo is apt....was way soo funny,
cheers Vickie
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